As we enter the hottest months here in Omaha, you may be looking for ways to beat the heat. The Light Palace offers wonderful energy-saving fans that offer you comfort and savings. Below, we’ll examine what to look for in an energy-saving fan. Shop with us today!

What To Look For In An Energy Saving Fan

Blade Angle
The blade angle contributes to the way air is moved throughout a space. Energy-saving fans have blades that angle more than 12 degrees, which move air optimally in a room, ensuring you feel cooler than you would with a different angle blade.

Energy saving fans have more efficient motors than their counterparts. This contributes to cost savings as the fan will use less energy to do the same job. Plus, the newer technology in energy saving fan motors yields a quieter motor, too.

A ceiling fan that has been certified by ENERGY STAR is guaranteed to yield you cost savings. These fans have to pass strict standards. They have to be at least 60% more efficient than other types of fans with optimal airflow efficiency and more.

Partner With LED Lights
LED lights are one of the most efficient types of lighting you can invest in. They last for an extremely long time and up to 90% of the energy goes into giving off light. Not only does this yield a very bright light, but it also eliminates hot lights, too.
The Light Palace in Omaha has been offering the best indoor and outdoor lighting selection, as well as ceiling fans and home decor since 1953. Let our family-owned and operated local lighting store help you find the perfect fan to meet your needs. Shop with us today!